This past week or so, after a slew of great finds, I've been getting back my music mojo and really enjoying some new albums. Though I open the post with an oldie (for me, at least), you'll see that I take my search for the best music in 2008 very seriously, and I hope you enjoy exploring this year's releases alongside me.
Ace of Base - Unspeakable (Junk and Function Mix) (Unspeakable CDS, 2002)
An old favourite, and one of the first remixes I ever liked. there's just something about this song that makes me dance a little in my seat. Ace of Base should be returning in 2008/2009 with new material, and I'm very curious to see what they've come up with.
Yoav - Where Is My Mind? (Pixies cover) (Charmed and Strange, 2008)
After following advice from a tBoS commenter and fellow blogger, eng+, I began to check out Yoav's album Charmed and Strange, and I'm genuinely impressed. One of the best offering in my first listen of the album is a cover of one of my oft-forgotten favourites, Pixies's "Where Is My Mind?". It has a completely different feel, with a subdued, guitar-led introspective take.
Jem - Aciiid! (Down to Earth, 2008)
I do know it's been a bit overkill with Jem these past few days, but I've been waiting years for this follow-up and I'm quickly falling in love with her music all over again. She's just loveable here, with her singing bits in Japanese and just the utter sense of fun in this song. It feels like a song designed for DDR, really. It's a breath of fresh air, as I've been listening to some heavier stuff lately.
Joshua Radin feat. Meiko - Sky (Simple Times, 2008)
Joshua Radin's last record We Were Here (2006) was a quick favourite at first, pulling tightly on the heartstrings. After one too many listens, it began to feel overly sappy, and I abandoned it for other fare. Radin is master of this genre, though, and although I may not be head-over-heels with this follow-up, I do fully expect to enjoy it. This song, featuring Meiko, is a nice one about dreaming about your partner leaving you, and the warm feeling when you wake up and they're still there.
Los Campesinos - We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed (We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed, 2008)
The title track from next month's release, Los Campesinos' second in 2008, is a new take of some old tricks. For those who've overplayed their first album, it may be too soon to give this one a shot as it's very much the same feel of the last album. However, as I never did so, I'm definitely enjoying it. Considering the above lyric from the song, however, makes me wonder exactly how fond Los Campesinos are of Hold On Now, Youngster..., even if I love it.
Jason Mraz feat. Colbie Caillat - Lucky (We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things; 2008)
It's always been very hit-and-miss with Jason Mraz for me, on a song-by-song basis. That said, I'm very fond of this downright cute duet between he and Colbie Caillat, that's in the vein of the above "Sky" in being thankful for a relationship. Here, Mraz outshines Radin and gives Caillat much more to do than poor Meiko, but both songs are worth your time.
Alt-Ctrl-Sleep - Stay (Alt-Ctrl-Sleep; 2008)
A beautiful psychadelic pop track from husband-and-wife duo Joe and April Diaco, who have created some very pretty, introspective and entrancing music here. Just listening to this music draws you in, softly but surely, with its softly pulsing music and rare, dreamy-fuzzy vocals. Give them a listen, I think you'll find them very intriguing.
And don't forget, search for more at The Hype Machine; purchase albums or mp3's at Amazon, Amazon Canada, Amie St., cdbaby, or Insound.
Total agreement with your assessment of the Josh r. record.
Check out duet with Meiko and AM called New Road. Loving it. Very hard to find but it is on itunes. if you have not heard of AM- run don't walk. xo your blog is better than mine!
I wasn't aware that AoB is still around. That mix is groovin'; makes me want to dance! Loved everything, as usual. Also, you got another link for the Jem song? It's reached its end, and I'm really interested in hearing it. I loves me some DDR and Japanese-style Pop.
My profile on Hype Machine should have it still up for streaming, and pretty soon I'm gonna try and do a 'Maintenance Post', where people request re-ups. :) So, not a terribly long wait hopefully.
I saw that you like Jason Mraz's songs. I think you should check out this upcoming artist, Alexi Paraschos. His style is acoustic/soul/pop and he plays guitar and piano. Check him out. If you like what you hear, can you write a review on him on your blog?
Here's his site. myspace.com/alexisongs
Matt Johnson
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